Today I Brushed My Teeth

(Trigger Warnings are very important to me so please consider the following before reading: mentions of postpartum issues, sleep issues, and health issues)

  Today I brushed my teeth, and tomorrow, I will brush them again. Shortly after I had my son four years ago, I became sort of a mess. I really didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing as a mom, just a year before I was convinced that I never would be a mom due to my life long issues with being over weight and having PCOS. But here I was, a crying, squirming baby in my arms, my hormones completely wrecked, and my whole self-identity completely gone. It wasn’t long before I started having trouble emotionally and physically. I passed the postpartum check up just fine, but it wasn’t long before my issues with sleep and hygiene began. Now I am a very clean person, I shower every day, all of the sprays and body washes, but for whatever reason, I stopped brushing my teeth shortly after having my son. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t even realize I had stopped brushing my teeth. Then a few months after my son was born, we took pictures for Christmas, our first family Christmas pictures. I looked at the pictures and realized in horror, my teeth were literally stained yellow! It was then I knew, not all was well. 

 Now thankfully I had, and still have, about the best support system in my husband and family that I could ever ask for, but, I was still having a hard time. I went back to work seven weeks after I had my son, way too soon. I did fairly well the first year or so going back to work, being away from my little boy for 40 or so hours a week. But then things kind of went off the rails. I had a moment in time with my son that made me rethink everything, a moment were I realized I had to start taking better care of myself in order to better care for my son.

 Soon after that moment, I had a lightbulb moment where I knew I needed to get back to some of my crating hobbies and to start doing something besides just being a mom and working full time. So I went out and bought some craft supplies and told my husband that I needed to start having some time to myself everyday to work on crafts. This brought me to a much better place physically and emotionally, I still had issues and still went to counseling to try and sort everything out, but going back to my hobbies was definitely a turning point for the better. 

 Now I have really gotten back into art and crafting and my heart and mind are definitely in a better place! Since having my son I have really learned the lesson that I have to take care of myself first before I can really take care of anyone else. I cannot neglect myself and my well being and expect all to be right with myself and my family. So even if it’s something that seems as simple as brushing your teeth everyday, don’t forget yourself, and don’t forget your passions. Don’t forget that your well being matters so very much in your life and in the lives of those around you. Today, I brushed my teeth, and for that I am grateful.



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